
New assignment!!!

I just finished my group documentary presentation on Thursday .I think we all have done our best. I would like to thank all my group members for their hard work. After this documentary, our friendship became better. I also watched other groups’ documentary. I like the most is the fusion food documentary. Before watching this documentary, I really don’t know what is fusion food. What I know is only EAT !

This documentary showed food, the most important thing in our daily life for us to survive. Most people seldom care about the food they ate whether it is health or not. They don’t know what is the types of food .One thing in this documentary that I really agree is one of the interviewee in this documentary said that she always brings ‘sambai’ or ‘chili padi’ when she is travelling to other countries. I also did that when I travelled to other countries.

Although our documentary had just finished, but it’s not the time for us to relax because we have another economics assignment!! I was busy for this assignment since Friday night. However this time I didn’t feel very pressure and worry about this assignment because……our group has Jinn Jyh!!!! So, thank god very much…He is our group leader and he really work a lot for this assignment. Thank you, Jinn Jyh~~~haha

This Friday was proms. Unfortunately, I didn’t go. Most of my friends didn’t go too. There are some common reasons that used to answer people when they asked “Why you don’t go for proms?” “No money, no partner, don’t know how to dance!!”Anyway, I feel some regretful because that’s once a life in KBU. I helped my friend and roommate to set their hair.

That’s for this week…I need a long rest, as long as possible after finished all this documentary and assignment.


Happy week

One thing that make me feel happy this week that is I can go back home...Butterworth, I'm back!!! I will see my family and my friends this week.There is the place that I most used to. I think that for all of students here, the most happiest thing is go back home.

Today is Jaevon's birthday.We all celebrate it. Before I live outside the house, I never think that friends are very important. But now at student house, most of the things that happened I always share with my friends. I think it make people feel quiet happy at least I still have friends at here and they will always company me from time to time.We all need each other.

I just did my English oral documentary review today afternoon. I'm quiet nervous when I stood in front of the class. This is because there are tweenty-four pairs of eye looking at me including Mr Derick's. I tried to be calm and tried to speak as fluent as I can. I really afraid that if Mr Derick say that I'm not well done because I had prepared it for two days and tried to memorised it.

I feel very relax today as I have finished all the tests for the first chapter of four subjects. Later, I will have my documentary discussion with my group members. We have to finished it before 9th of March and present the documentary in front of class. Morever, we still have another Economics assignment have to do and summit it before April. Its really no time for me to relax.

After the oral review today, I think that I should read more because I cannot pronoun words clearly. That is hard for me to pronoun a word correctly. I will try to speak more with my friends.